BMES醫環501 M5M6M7
This course is designed for incubation the postgraduate students with basic and advanced knowledge in environmental toxicology. We will introduce the fundamental concept of toxicology, and then the toxic effect of several environmental pollutants including pesticides, heavy me<x>tals, environmental hormones, and chlorinated compounds(e.g. PCBs, Dioxin) on human health will be addressed and discussed.
Course keywords: 環境毒物(environmental toxicology), 污染物(pollutants), 毒性反應(toxic effect), 劑量-反應圖(dose-response curve); 致癌性(carcinogen); 風險評估(risk assessment) 一、課程說明(Course Description) 本課程主要以碩士班及博士班學生為主,主要在於了解毒物學的基本原理與環境毒化物對人體與環 境的影響。 二、指定用書(Text Books) 1. Handout (上課講義) 2. J. A. Timbrell, Introdution to Toxicology, 2nd, ed. Taylor & Francis. 3. C. D. Klaassen, Casarett & Doull's Roxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons. 8th Ed. 2013, McGraw Hill. 合記書局 三、參考書籍(References) M. H. Yu, H. Ysunoda, M. Tsunoda, Environmental Toxicology: Biological and Health Effects of Pollutants. CRC Press, 3rd Ed. 2011. 東華書局 四、教學方式(Teaching Method) 投影片上課 心得研討 期末報告 五、教學進度(Syllabus) 1. Introduction. 2. Review of Pharmacological Concepts Dose-Response Relationship Acute Toxicity Chronic Toxicity Route of Exposure 3. Basic Concept of Microbial Physiology. 4. Exposure, metabolism and Distribution of Toxicants in the Body. 5. Toxicology Chemistry 6. Factors Influencing Toxic Responses 7. Effects of Toxicants PCBs and Dioxins Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Pesticides Heavy metals 六、成績考核(Evaluation) 作業及平時成績 (assignment and quiz) 40 % 期中考或期中報告 (Midterm) 30 % 期末報告及(Final exam and/or term paper) 30 % 七、可連結之網頁位址
學期/時間地點 | 開課教授 | 歷年平均成績 |
Details Updated: 2025-02-04 05:30
Syllabus Updated: 2025-02-04 05:30
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